Friday, January 28, 2011
The Wabbit is sent for Analysis

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
The Wabbit and the Importance of a Bag

Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Wabbit goes shopping in the Big Department Store

Friday, January 21, 2011
The Wabbit and the Pizzini

Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Wabbit in the Misty Churchyard

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Wabbit finds the Airport Bus

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The Wabbit seeks Travel Information

Monday, January 17, 2011
The Wabbit and the Sitting Duck

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The Wabbit discusses time management with the Cat Upstairs

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Wabbit and what the Wabbit knew

Sunday, January 09, 2011
The Wabbit has a Homecoming Moment

Saturday, January 08, 2011
The Wabbit spots his Ticket Home

Friday, January 07, 2011
The Wabbit speaks with his friend, Antiquicat

Thursday, January 06, 2011
The Wabbit considers the Road Ahead

Sunday, January 02, 2011
The Wabbit reviews his Year

The Wabbit felt the need to think over the events of the previous year. That called for a strong beverage, which the Wabbit had duly arranged. And what a year 2010 had been for the Wabbit! The Wabbit had met many new friends. He had safely survived the perils of the balcony. He had conquered rain and leaves and snow. He had been given a lift in a chocolate car. He had battled wabbit exclusion and been invited to contribute to wabbit affairs on the European Committee of Experts. He had taken part in the Great Wabbit Homecoming. And what about his rescue of an oppressed wabbit and his subsequent and abrupt dismissal of the sinister agents of Rabit? Then he recalled he had successfully negotiated the special launch of Lagomorph Lager. And, somewhat to his embarrassment, he had been sung about by young musicians. After all that, the gifts of the Giantess and his well-deserved holiday was merely icing on the cake. All the same, there were many outstanding items on his list. And the list only got longer. “I will have to put my list on the list!” The Wabbit chuckled. And so did the waiter behind him.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
The Wabbit and the New Year Roman Candle

The Wabbit returned to his lodgings, hoping his secret stash had been delivered promptly and in time for midnight. And there they were. Roman candles. He read the strangely-written instructions which said “Light the blue touch paper and run away very quickly”. With one eye on the clock, he flicked his emergency lighter and then the Wabbit turned and ran like the fastest wabbit in the land. Zig-zag, zig-zag went the Wabbit and then he leapt onto a handy ledge. For what seemed like an age, nothing particular happened and the Wabbit hopped from one leg to another impatiently. He was certainly not going to investigate. Not the Wabbit. Then came a splattering and then a hissing and then a rumbling ... and then there was the most enormous kaboom, which startled the Wabbit and he jumped into the air at least a metre. Sparks flew everywhere as the Roman Candle threw sparks in many directions. “Good grief! I should have expected that really,” thought the Wabbit. Then he smelled a strange smell. He had singed his fur. Just a tiny little bit. “I shouldn’t be allowed,” murmured the Wabbit with a mischievous grin. “I just shouldn’t be allowed at all.”
The Wabbit makes tracks for New Year fun

It didn’t take the cart-wheeling Wabbit long to reach wherever he was going. Only the Wabbit knew where he was going. Well, for the most part, he knew. But sometimes he just followed his wabbit nose. The Wabbit loved New Year. It was his very favourite day of the whole year and he was searching out a nice district where there might be celebration and song and ... fireworks. Now generally speaking, wabbits do not like fireworks, but the Wabbit was no ordinary wabbit. When the Wabbit saw or heard fireworks his eyes gleamed mischievously and his paw itched and groped for his emergency lighter. Only a very few wabbits knew of the existence of this specialised item, nestling in the Wabbit's fur. “Roman Candles,” thought the Wabbit, “ since I am in the very place for them.” And the Wabbit allowed himself a snicker through his teeth.” I shall find a place to hang out and wait to see what happens. This is going to be the best New Year a wabbit could possibly wish for!” And the Wabbit hopped towards the welcoming light of a cafe, with a song in his head and hope in his heart.
The Wabbit receives an important Message

The Wabbit was minding his own business when suddenly he knew he could feel eyes boring into the back of his head. So quick as a flash the Wabbit turned around. It was a squirrel in a window. “I am the Squirrel in the Window,” said the squirrel, superfluously. And he rapped the window three times with his paw to make his point. “Indeed,” said the Wabbit. The squirrel continued. “I have a message from the Chief Wabbit of Galloway.” Now the Wabbit was surprised, and he prided himself on not being surprised. “What is the substance of the message,” said the Wabbit who could be pompous if startled. “Chief Wabbit says don’t forget it’s Hogmanay. The start of the New Year is nearly here.” “Thank you squirrel,” said the Wabbit, slightly ashamed of his poor manners. “Thank you very much. I must proceed forthwith. Forgive me for what you are about to see.” And then the Wabbit binkied high in the air and when he landed, not too far away, he started to cartwheel and as he did he shouted “Hogmanay” at the top of his voice. And the Wabbit got faster and faster and faster. Soon, the squirrel lost sight of the Wabbit and he smiled as he shook his head. “Silly Wabbit,” said the squirrel.