Friday, September 05, 2014

3. The Wabbit and Stress Reduction

Lapinette and the Wabbit ambled through Tinos. Parakalo the Dove hovered alongside them, pointing out places of interest. But the Wabbit kept peering round corners. "What are you looking for?" sighed Lapinette. "I thought I saw an Agent of Rabit," said the Wabbit. "And ..?" said Lapinette. "It was a souvenir towel, flapping in the breeze," confessed the Wabbit. "Anything else, while we're on the subject?" asked Lapinette in a sarcastic voice. "Maybe you saw a platoon of Wasp creatures on the roofs?" "Now you mention it," said the Wabbit, "I did see something on a roof." Lapinette's eyes rose under her sunglasses. The Wabbit glanced into a doorway and looked back. "It was six solar panels lined up like alien soldiers." "Will you relax?" yelled Lapinette. A cooing took the Wabbit's attention. "Commander, you need an activity," said Parakalo. "There's something you could check for me." Lapinette hopped up and down. "The Wabbit's on vacation to rest and relax!" "Let's hear what it is," grinned the Wabbit. "Oh, I give up," said Lapinette. Parakalo looked down. "Some of our famous dovecotes have been taken over ..." The Wabbit became interested. "... by strange creatures," continued Parakalo. "composed entirely of light." "Mmm. That's interesting and different," said the Wabbit, "point them out!" "Sometimes we can see them, sometimes we can't," said Parakalo. "No, Wabbit, don't you dare!" screamed Lapinette. "A change is as good is as a rest," grinned the Wabbit ...