Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Wabbit studies the Menu

The Wabbit was a little hungry after a long ride. But he wasn't expecting this. He was spoiled for choice. But the thought of checking the menu spelling seemed a bit daunting. And there was so much here that a Wabbit should probably not eat. But then again, the Wabbit was on holiday. Suddenly the Wabbit noticed, in the far corner of the menu, a mention of seaweed. Even though it was very high in salt, which he had heard Gwanny Wabbit say would harden the arteries, the Wabbit knew it was nice. European wabbits from his neck of the woods had been known to survive a hard winter eating some seaweed. Seafood for me thought the Wabbit. With a nice salad. Now the Wabbit felt he was really on vacation.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Wabbit takes a Vacation

Once his mind was made up it never took the Wabbit long to take a course of action. In a matter of 24 hours, the Wabbit had ferry-hopped his way towards his ancestral home. It was kind of Mr Brogan to take the Wabbit so far in his truck, but he was going his way after all. So disguised as a travelling rug, the Wabbit had perched on the cover of the engine, which was rather toasty. "Ah the Hills of Home", thought the Wabbit. Perhaps he would be in time for the Gweat Wabbit Homecoming. He hopped down from the truck and surveyed the scene. Something in his wabbit memory stirred."This is a place of good food", the Wabbit mused. The Wabbit's tummy rumbled a little. "I may just stop at yonder inn."

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Wabbit confronts the City

The Wabbit had ventured into the city centre. He didn't live that far from the centre and he hopped that way when he was at a loss for what do do. But the Wabbit had seldom seen the city look so shabby. His small paws stuck to the chewing gum on the street and he was rather offended by how dirty it was. Not that he was a snooty wabbit. But he had standards for living and playing conditions. What was going on? The Wabbit looked at the decaying paint and wondered whether it was the recession that everyone was talking about. And of course it reminded him of the Shadow People who were thrown out of Castle Doom. The Wabbit sat on a step and pondered. "Maybe ... " thought the Wabbit, "... I need a vacation".

Friday, October 08, 2010

The Wabbit does a Good Deed

The Wabbit kept searching the toy shop. Surely there must be a wabbit, he thought. And then he saw ... oh, no! A Wabbit that looked just like him. A bit paler, in poor condition and a little forlorn - but a fellow wabbit nevertheless. And just one. "Fellow wabbit!" said the Wabbit. "What has happened? What kind of living and playing conditions do you find yourself in?" The other wabbit just shook slightly and trembled a bit. "I see you are in no condition to liberate yourself, fellow wabbit. I will take you to a place of safety." announced the Wabbit And in so saying, the Wabbit nudged the poor wabbit off the table and together they hopped safely to the door. And of this, no one, not one single person saw a thing.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Wabbit encounters Social Exclusion

The Wabbit was horrified to see small mammals in these conditions. Even if they were mere representations of small mammals. The Wabbit had been informed that there were no wabbits in the Big Toy Shop and he had decided to investigate. His informant had been correct and there was not a single wabbit to be seen. Other creatures of all sorts were piled high or had been placed in sinister rows like the teddy bears. The Wabbit hunted high and low but found nothing. How would children be correctly informed if there were no available wabbits? Wabbits were being socially excluded, right here in his own town.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The Wabbit amongst the Replicants

The Wabbit thought it strange that in the Big Mall, a wabbit had to go up just to go back down again. But that was the way it was. Nor did he trust the moving stairs. He travelled on the handrail just out of sight, because the Wabbit's feet were relatively small and he thought he might be dragged into the machinery. If that happened he would be turned into a replicant. The Wabbit knew that was only a theory, but until it was disproved, he would stick with it. He could see his destination far away at the end of the shopping tunnel. Soon he would be able to attend to the important wabbit matter.

Monday, October 04, 2010

The Wabbit in Blade Runner

It was was some regret that the Wabbit had to forgo his salad sandwiches. It had come to his attention that wabbit interests were being ignored at the Big Mall, and he had accepted a ride to the place in question. This is like "Blade Wunner" said the Wabbit to himself and thought himself very daring. It was only by standing on his hind legs and stretching that he could hit the right buttons for the right floor. And if anyone saw the Wabbit here they would just think he was part of some commercial promotion. The Wabbit was safely covered. If only he could stay clear of the replicants.

Friday, October 01, 2010

The Wabbit comes across a strange Structure

The Wabbit barely had time to acclimatise to his old neighbourhood, when he came across frantic activity. Surely they weren't building a podium for the Wabbit? He was certain he wasn't that famous. And he had quite enough of speech making for this week, he thought. So the Wabbit crouched in a corner and listened. Excited voices discussed some match at the local stadium and he heard that the structure was for "catering". The Wabbit knew there might be sandwiches, salad sandwiches - and at that very moment he resolved to pass here tomorrow. Just to keep in touch.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Wabbit is co-opted.

The Wabbit had no problem finding his way back. His path had been clearly marked out for him. so they knew he was coming! The Wabbit wondered if he would actually meet the white wabbit and so he was pleasantly surprised to be greeted at the airport desk by that self same wabbit. He sat up on his hind legs to look over the top of the desk, and in so doing he could not help but notice that this was a very pretty wabbit indeed. The White Wabbit told him that he had been co-opted to serve on the Committee of Experts and that he was to represent Wabbit Affairs. "About time", thought the Wabbit - although he was much too polite to say so out loud. Soon the wabbit would be home.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Wabbit gets a Surprise!

Barely had he hopped outside the big building, the Wabbit was astonished by what he saw. "Good grief!" was all that he could think to say. And then he wondered if all this was due to something he had said at the meeting. Surely not, thought the Wabbit and shuffled closer to the strange truck. And as he got closer, a long gun turned and pointed at him, with water dripping from its muzzle. The Wabbit was not afraid, but he knew when he was outnumbered. In a series of zig-zag streaks, the Wabbit vanished out of range of the water cannon. The Wabbit did not like getting wet. Soon, he was nestled securely at the rear of the airport bus. "Don't they know who I am?" muttered the Wabbit. But he was smiling, all the same.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Wabbit shakes the System

It was a gweat day for the Wabbit. He hadn't been expecting such luminaries as company. But being a diplomatic Wabbit (mostly), he explained the plight of world wabbits. Choosing to focus on wabbit inclusion, he made the case for wabbits to be protected. There were some, he emphasised, that only saw wabbits as part of a food chain. So wabbits were literally in chains. "Fwee the wabbits and you will yourselves be fwee. " His call rang out across the chamber and the Experts rose as one to applaud the Wabbit. That went down well, thought the Wabbit and - just for a second - allowed himself a smug moment.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Wabbit goes to a Meeting

The Wabbit could hardly believe his eyes. Things were improving for all wabbits. But what a big building! How would he ever find his way to the meeting? Perhaps there would be a sign. Anyway, the Wabbit was delighted, because today was International Wabbit Day and he was the guest speaker. He had pwepared a short briefing on the improvement of living and playing conditions of wabbits at the transnational level. Phew! What a long title he had chosen for his talk. He went through the speech it in his wabbit head. Diet, environment, health care, twansport and so many other wabbit-related things. He would make these experts listen.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Wabbit is sent on Mission

The Wabbit had been invited by the Committee of Experts to contribute to the improvement of living and playing conditions for wabbits. So the Wabbit had arrived at Bwussels Airport without difficulty, because no-one ever noticed the Wabbit. Even so, the Wabbit had some concerns that he might meet at least mild peril, but it seemed to be wabbit-friendly. "This is good news", thought the Wabbit. "Things might be free for wabbits!" But the Wabbit knew that nothing was ever for free exactly. And who exactly was the white wabbit of whom they spoke? The Wabbit would find out later. Until then he would carefully make his way to the Big City.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Wabbit visits the Church Yard

Sometimes the Wabbit took a short cut through the church car park. It was more of a long cut really, but the Wabbit liked the change. There were squirrels sometimes (silly creatures, thought the Wabbit) . And the Wabbit always had to be on the lookout for the odd fox (and they were indeed odd thought the Wabbit). The Wabbit was certainly an opinionated wabbit and none the worse for that. He had never been inside the church but he had it on good authority that there were wabbits depicted on the floor. Someday the Wabbit would sneak in and have a look. but for now, all he had to do was negotiate the horrid pools of water and move on about his wabbit business.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Wabbit considers Gloves

The Wabbit's feet were rather hard wearing and he did not consider he really needed gloves. But the Wabbit had found these lying on the table - as if they had been abandoned. Surely no-one would abandon such colourful gloves, thought the Wabbit. "Maybe if I just slip my leg into one of them, it could be that they fit". They felt nice to the Wabbit and they had a nice smell, so he rubbed his nose along the seams. "Supposing I put these on when I hop on my way to the shops, mused the Wabbit. People wouldn't know who I was. They would merely think, "There goes a wabbit with style and distinction". He considered it for a minute and then he thought better of the whole idea. The Wabbit likes to go incognito.